Water Quality
Citizen Science Fact Sheets
- Overview of Water Testing
- Color Odor Temperature and pH
- Turbidity/Transparency
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorous
- Total Coliform and E. coli Bacteria
- Triazines (Atrazine)
- Stream Biology
- Stream Site Assessment
- Starting a Water Monitoring Team
- Water Monitoring Data Sheet
- Interpretation Guide for Water Tests
K-State Water Quality Series
- Managing the Farmstead to Minimize Groundwater and Well Contamination
- Nitrate and Groundwater
- Plugging Abandoned Wells
- Private Well Maintenance and Protection
- Private Wells Safe Location and Construction
- Recommended Water Tests for Private Wells
- Selecting an Onsite Wastewater or Septic System
- Taking a Water Sample
- Testing to Help Ensure Safe Drinking Water
- Wastewater Pond Operation Maintenance and Repair
- Watering Established Trees and Shrubs
- Why do Onsite Wastewater Septic Systems Fail