
Broccoli head

Broccoli is a cool-season vegetable that can be grown in both the spring and the fall. Common broccoli forms a large head of immature flower buds. Other types of broccoli develop smaller shoots of buds.

  • Sprouting broccoli. Sprouting broccoli is another type of broccoli that produces lots of smaller side shoots rather than one large central head. In most cases, it is recommended to pinch out the central floret/ head when it appears to induce more side shoots. There are both green and purple varieties. There are also some varieties that are designed for winter harvesting in mild areas, which may not perform well in Kansas. Look for varieties with shorter days to maturity.
  • Broccoli rabe. Broccoli rabe is also called broccoli raab or rapini. This vegetable has florets that look like broccoli but does not form a large head. It is more closely related to turnips than to traditional broccoli and has a stronger, more pungent flavor. It is fast-maturing and not very heat tolerant.
  • Chinese broccoli. Chinese broccoli is also called Gai Lan or Kailaan. While it develops small flower buds, similar to sprouting broccoli or broccoli rabe, it is usually harvested for the thick, fleshy stalks and tender leaves that grow around the buds.

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