
Radish foliage

Radishes are a cool-season vegetables that are divided into spring and fall types. Spring radishes are typically smaller and quick to mature. Fall radishes, which include daikons, require a longer growing season and are typically milder in flavor. Radishes need a sunny location and can be grown in early spring and as a fall crop. As the weather gets hot, however, the flavor of radishes becomes strong and hot. Most radish varieties will perform well in Kansas if planted at the correct time. Para información en español, visite este sitio web.

  • Spring radishes. Most spring radishes are round, although some are more oblong. Spring radishes are most commonly red, although there are white, pink, purple, yellow, and multicolored types. Some varieties are longer-maturing, which should be considered if another crop will be planted after the radishes.
  • Fall radishes. Fall radishes, including daikons, are typically much larger than spring radishes. Many fall radishes are oblong or carrot-shaped and can be 2 to 3 inches in diameter. These radishes require a longer growing season and are best planted in the fall. For spring planting, choose early maturing varieties that are slow to bolt.